Finding a Project

Before you can contribute to Mozilla, you need to find a project that you’re interested in contributing to. We currently maintain a list of projects on Service Book.

You may also browse all of the open GitHub Issues for our projects. The Firefox Test Engineering Dashboard lists open Issues, just make sure to find one that no one else is working on.

Getting Set Up

Once you’ve identified the project you want to work on, you should get the test automation running locally. All projects have (or should have) a README file in their source tree that either describes this process or links to documentation that does. If you haven’t already, you will want to review the New Contributor Guide.

Find a Mentor

You may also find it useful to find someone who is working on or responsible for the project you want to contribute to and asking if they can help you find a task to work on and answer any other questions you have. Generally speaking, the project page should have this information. If it doesn’t, try looking through the commit log of the source code to see who has been writing code for the project recently.

How to Contribute

Once you’re set up to work on a project, you’ll have to find a task to work on and get coding! Each project should have some information on where their tasks are tracked, generally on Bugzilla or GitHub Issues which are listed on the Firefox Test Engineering Dashboard. The first step is to find a bug or an Issue that is open for contribution, and then adding a comment that you plan to work on it.